Romance Scam Joe Eliot

PseudonymJoe Eliot
Scam contentsThis individual is posing as Joe Elliot the Lead singer of Def Leppard and conning my wife out of monwy we dont have as we are on the poverty line. I have contaxted Def Leppards Management they also told me he was a scammer. Judging by his use of Wnglish propably from Nideria.
Comment / ReviewThis email address needs taking down.

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    • Angela 09/15/2023 at 06:56 PM

      Their are a lot of celeb want to be scammers on Facebook however I was recently almost feel victim by a joe Elliot scam artists sadly it came from his official medal Facebook verified page . I'm starting to wonder if it's some one from his official staff I'd hate to think it could actually be him doing it but we really never know who is behind these scams especially when it directly comes from the official page.

    • Teresa 01/04/2024 at 02:29 AM

      I have been a victim of the Joe Elliot imposters I have had 12 to contact me in the last 6 months I have had it all two marriage proposals one asked me to open a joint bank account and one wanted me to buy a membership vip card for him to come see me I'm so upset someone needs to tell Joe I would love to I am tired of it it's getting old and us fans are sick of being harrased by there idiots who have nothing better to do than pretend to be someone they ant

    • Karin 06/26/2024 at 11:19 PM

      My friend is absolutely convinced that she has a daily chat with Joe Elliot. She is in love! This Elliot and she has daily chats usually for ours. He sends her lovesongs and poems, tells her that he wants to marry her, move to sweden and buy her a house etc. He tells her that he is in a complicated situation because of the divorce, so now all bankaccounts are locked, that he lives just with minimum money. - But now he have managed to but 20 miljon punds to an acount in denmark but he have no monay to travel from UK and and asked if sh could send him money to the ticket, this my friend didn't do. - But some week later she bought a VIP-ticket to the forthcoming tour, this ticket was expensive, tousends of swedish krona - my friend is not rich and had to save and loan money for this. She has been promised to live whit Elliot during all his tour! In the bus, trough USA and Canada! And this friday, 2024-06-28 he will come and visit her in Sweden. She is exited and takes manikyres and buy new clothes! And nothing absolut nothing can stop her believing ...

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