Job Scam
+12543213810 CCL Global

PseudonymCCL Global
Telephone+1 254-321-3810 (ou 0012543213810)
Scam contentsFalse advertising and suspicious interview. People need to look out for any advertisements for interviews at the following address: C/O Anna, Dorothea street. When you try to phone the number they send with the confirmation sms it does not exist. And you get interviewed in a group
Comment / ReviewLook very suspisious to me. The person spoke about the product, never giving real detail about the product or really what the business is about. I suspect it is Kerby or Aqua zone that they want people to sell, but never speak about the product and talk about a branch manager position, but it does not seem that this is what is being offered misleading people. Getting people excited to boast about his ferarri standing outside.In the interview the person presenting the presentation(known as Kobus) came straight to me out of everyone and asked me my name and asked me to wait by the reception area to see him after the first two people he chose to see one on one. I gues to seperate me from the group so I don't say anything to any of the people there, because during his presentation he could see I saw right through him and that he was putting on a show. That fact that he came to me out of everyone was proof enough to me that he is a fake and he is recruiting people under false pretenses.

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    • Raymond 02/05/2021 at 07:53 AM

      Looks like a scam

    • Andria 04/07/2021 at 10:45 AM

      I attended the group interview and can confirm it is a scam. I was also removed from the rest as I'm sure Kobus figured out that I had figured him out. Beware of CCL Global, you will waste time and money.

    • Anne 06/08/2021 at 08:56 AM

      Selling of Ozone products, must get your own clients and definitely not a Branch manager position🤣

    • Randall 06/08/2021 at 11:59 AM

      I agree with Leani above. This is very much about selling Ozone products. I however do not believe that the products can do everything that they claim it can do. The interviews are for most of the day in a group and only late afternoon are you called in two by two for the final interview. I left before the final interview as I just got fed up with the endless talking about nothing. Proper information is not forthcoming and everything is vague. It looks like they are trying to open up franchises all over the country.
      I would just be very weary as I believe the company is legit. Also you will not find any ozone product information on their website. In fact even with the interview no pictures or specs of the product is shown.

    • CCH 06/21/2021 at 01:07 PM

      I guess if you a Sales person you will do well here but they not upfront from the beginning as to what they are offering.

      It is very close to a pyramid scheme

    • Randall 06/25/2021 at 03:17 AM

      Got my second invite on CareerJuntion where I am requested apply for a Branch Manager post at CCL Global. If I walked out the first time, why would I apply again. Are these people desperate for candidates or something. It looks like their interviews are still continuing which means that they are either not getting the right people or the people are simply walking out.
      They offer a basic salary of R12 000 per month and a company share (commission) where you can get R1500 for each product sold (this must be for the high end products. However the basic salary only kicks in once you have sold 34 products. Also the basic salary is only applicate if your commission is less the R12 000 for the month so it is either or. This is a definite win win for them if you are not a good salesman. These products are apparently very expensive so where do you get customers. In the beginning you will only be getting the commission.

    • Charles 07/05/2021 at 03:51 AM

      Definitely a scam. The product is not as good as they make it out to be and it is very expensive. You can buy it at a third of the price on takealot or direct from the factory. I bought the machine for my mom.They claimed that if she used it daily she would not get covid. She died of covid 3 months later.

    • L Weyer 07/18/2021 at 11:20 AM

      Please give information on the legitimacy of this business!

    • Zimba1963 10/05/2021 at 02:09 AM

      I recieved threat of legal action for my original post. It would seem one thing scam artists have in common is a high degree of sensitivity?😁So for safety sake and peace of mind Ive removed it. However for a little information regarding the unregulated use of ozone therapy as an alternative medical solution and the dangers thereof go onto the CapeTalk web site and find the article posted by Oama Oukula on the 29 October 2020. “Dr warns against bogus ozone therapy treatments.” Very interesting and informative. Then draw your own conclusions!

      Those who decide to go this route...beware. As the representative and sales person of supposed OEM product you can be held legally responsible for any possible negative outcomes. Furthermore there are many opposition suppliers in the market already established and supported by sales persons who are properly and legally qualified to market, sell and support these products. Viva SNIPE.

    • Kobie 10/20/2021 at 09:47 AM

      Bunch of THIEVES!!!! BE AWARE OF THIS SCAM!!!!

    • Koedo 01/17/2022 at 04:39 AM

      Hi guys up to today these people are still doing this scamming stuff beware

    • XXXX 01/28/2022 at 06:07 AM

      All of this comments are true, You sit for an hour listen to a bunch of nothing!!! Beware, don't be desperate. Research them and there is nothing on the website either!

    • James 02/16/2022 at 12:17 AM

      Thank you all, so so much, for the warnings left above. I nearly wasted my day and my patience by going to an "interview" this morning.

    • Colin van Biljoen 03/15/2022 at 03:28 AM

      Yes they are a huge scam. I actually fell for it years ago, sold couple of Ozone systems and then....NOTHING.... NO PAY. Was told I did not reach my target (it was 16 systems a month that time). They make a financial killing by having people sell so many systems, and they dont have to pay them a salary, as the person did not reach target. STAY AWAY people!!!!!!
      I actually just got a sms this morning 15/03/2022 to attend an interview tomorrow. I almost fell off my chair.

    • Res 06/10/2022 at 12:54 AM

      Thank you all so much for the warning, I almost fell for it. It was to good to be true, I've just applied for the vacancy and literally within minutes of applying i got an interview. I was very skeptical about this and started to do proper research, so I found this site with all the red-lights..thank you all you just save me time and money

      • CCL Gobal 06/10/2022 at 05:44 AM

        Dear Res we apologise that you had a less than satisfactory experience with CCL Global, we can assure you that we take pride in offering all of our potential employees an authentic and nurturing learning experience.

        Please feel free to reach out to us with any feedback or criticisms - we would be happy to answer any and all questions related to your experience. Alternatively, you are welcome to visit the FAQ section on our website where we have answers to the most pertinent questions surrounding our business.

        Please also have a look at the testimonial page on our website for authentic reviews from our former and current employees.

        We would like to apologise once again and hope that we can resolve this issue with the utmost urgency.

        Best, CCL Global

    • MissC 08/02/2022 at 09:37 AM

      Will someone who has been for an interview please leave me their number, I would love some more information about this 'potential scam' ... please.

    • HPP 10/31/2022 at 01:17 PM

      Its BS. False advertising. Sure you could make money. Id you are able to sell a R20k unit at a R2k commision in these terrible times. Point apply for a manger position but firts have to be their b#*ch before rechibg it. Goals keep moving. Never will you get ahead. Think carefully before joining

    • Fancy 01/14/2023 at 05:17 PM

      100% a scam. The actual products they're selling are branded as Ozone Elite. It's Ozone therapy which is medically unproven and in certain situations downright dangerous. The position of branch manager is fake, it's a sales position for products that are priced at +- R25 000 and completely useless. Don't waste your time.

    • Donnie 04/11/2023 at 05:11 PM

      This site and the people that posted their messages/experiences here saved me time and money so thank you. Together we CAN do more. Bless to be blessed.

    • Babs 05/18/2023 at 07:22 AM

      It’s a major scam. I went for both interviews and actually got the job. I attended the entire training week and when I was about to sign the contract and become an employee I realised that everything they told me was a lie! They lied about the hours I would work, they lied about the base salary and they lied about how the commission works. Nothing they told me about the job during training was how it stood in the contract. I am a 5th year law student and I tell you that contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. They told me that my trainer was a manager with years of experience but when I talked to my trainer one day during lunch she told me that she’s only been working there for 2 weeks. The products they sell are also a scam. They tell the clients that if they get the product on a payment plan that they’ll only pay R600pm, but in reality, after tax and interest, the client pays over R1000pm. They tell you (during training) that you don’t have to make a certain amount of sales each month in order to get the base salary, but the contract says that if you fail to make more than 7 sales you only get commission and you don’t get the salary. Throughout the entire training week they use emotional manipulation and mind tricks to get you to take the job (you only sign the contract after the training week). When my training week started there was 20 of us. On the last day of training, there was only 5 people left. And out of those 5 people, only 3 signed the contract because me... Read more

    • J 06/21/2023 at 06:37 AM

      100% a scam. When I went for the first interview I was thrown off by the group interview. They claimed it was because so many people applied.Thought let's go to the second interview to see. Got there, wasted all day listening to a speech that had little to do with the actual products (everyone was so unsure of what we'll actually need to sell). Got the job and when asked when I want to attend the training they literally mentioned next day or with the next group of interviewees (this was after they claimed we were the only group and only 10 people will be offered a position). Decided I want to attend training but when I got home and told my family my cousin had mentioned he worked for them many years back, he was there for 2 weeks but they kept changing the target sale number and he never got paid. STAY AWAY!!!

    • Jfjrhdheb 06/22/2023 at 10:43 AM

      This is a proper, well thought out scam.
      They’re not “hiring” anyone…there’s no branch or other made-up rubbish. They are actually trying to “sell” the business to the unfortunate groups of people that they have coming through their every week.
      All they’re doing is pushing groups of people through there each and every week, and are happy if they just get 5 sales out of each person they “hire”, those people then realise the scam, they leave, CCL then doesn’t have to pay them and it’s free labour exploitation.

      They are INCREDIBLY sensitive to anyone mentioning anything to anyone about the business and/or product…
      Wonder why?

      No company in the world spends so much time trying to reassure people to ignore any negative viewpoints, not to share contact numbers - because they’re so scared the group all catches on at the same time.
      It’s a farce.
      And as for this made up SNIPE kak they go on about - proof of their insecurity and illegitimacy.

    • Cameron 10/04/2023 at 03:11 AM

      Load of BS!
      Why are they so secretaive?
      Why do they send so much time on "positive thinking" and ask you not to talk to anyone outside the company?
      Why starting the day after the interview? Why the hurry?
      No confirmed start salary and get R2K commission. They can't even disclose the product information or costs of products.
      Waste of time. Spend whole day in a boardroom with no breaks, only to be told you are hired. No referring to your CV or previous experience.

    • Marc 11/27/2023 at 03:46 AM

      This is a definite scam as a seasoned professional I picked up the scam vibe after 2 minutes especially when Kobus walked in on 24/11.
      where is one told that you don't resign from your previous company without notice you won't be hired?
      I wonder how many people have been scammed and lost a job due to the shenanigans of this company.
      Carte Blanche or Desi should investigated this company as well as SARS

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